Popular Writing


I host the Free Mind podcast, produced by the Benson Center at the University of Colorado Boulder, which brings diverse viewpoints together to discuss diverse topics in western history, politics, philosophy, literature, and current events.

Substack newsletter:

Guided Civic Revival. Check it out here.


It's time to stop the double talk around diversity hiring (The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 5, 2024)

Climate change matters to more and more people – and could be a deciding factor in the 2024 election (The Conversation, March 12, 2024; reposted by the San Francisco Chronicle and others)

Let's get together: Depolarize climate change, on and off campus. (Liberal Education, Sept 22, 2022)

A bipartisan climate playbook is emerging. (Matt & Renae Marshall, ArcDigital, Sept 6, 2022)

Want to Reduce Polarization? Pass These Climate Policies. (Renae Marshall & Matt, ArcDigital, Sept 20, 2021). 

What if a presidential candidate ran on what most Americans actually wanted? (Matt & Renae Marshall, Arc Digital, July 25, 2020. Additional background at: https://www.twothirdsmajorityplatform.com/)

New US seafood rule shows global trade and conservation can work together (The Conversation, January 10, 2017)

(Reposted by Huffington Post)

Could 'balanced harvesting' really feed the world and save the oceans? (The Conversation, July 13, 2015)

(Reposted by the (Davos) World Economic Forum Agenda)

'Turning the PC household debt analogy on its head' (The Hamilton Spectator, May 30, 2014).

Selected Blog Posts:

'How an academic department replaced diversity statements with service statements' (Heterodox Academy blog, May 30, 2024)

'How polarization will destroy itself' (Guided Civic Revival, April 13, 2024)

'The ecology of economic growth' (with Ryan Langendorf, Nature Behavioural and Social Sciences, Behind the Paper)

'Partisan science is bad for science and society' (with Roger Pielke Jr., Heterodox Academy blog, April 5, 2023)

'Quantifying the "manager's intuition" about tradeoffs' (Margaret Hegwood, Ryan Langendorf, & Matt, Nature Sustainability Behind the Paper, March 24, 2022)

'Reducing political polarization through campus dialogues' (with Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey, Heterodox Academy blog, January 13, 2021)

'Ecological economics, dangerous ideas, and academic freedom' (Prometheus, March 10, 2020)

'Elon Musk deserves the Nobel Peace Prize' (with Ian Burgess, Prometheus, October 4, 2018)